Poverty of abundance

'Future behind of the clouds' (group exhibition)
Cultural Center Gromov. Saint-Petersburg, Russia
'VLADEY. All for 100' (auction)
CUBE. Moscow, Russia
digital printing, foam board, plywood
70x110x15 cm

Since antiquity art has turned to the image of objects of inanimate nature. Dutch painting of the 17th century is the impulse for the creation of this series of works.During the Dutch Renaissance still-life elements have been started to use more extensive in religious-themed paintings taking the foreground and pushing back scenes from Jesus Christ’s life. These elements were an indirect indicator of improvement of life’s quality and growth of economic level of country’s development that period.Today we live in the era of post-industrial society provided with food and goods basically. And it is no longer product but services related to this product, its accumulation and knowledge about it come to the fore. Mass maximum-rationalized consumption, McDonaldization captures society. There is "abundance" in all fields: economic growth, quality improvement of life, the emergence of mass production, high purchasing power. Consumption is stop to be a necessary, biologically determined need and developed into a socio-cultural phenomenon. The value of the product is leveled. And consumption as such, consumption for consumption comes to the fore. This in turn leads to a certain degradation of historical ethical values, replacement them for short-term, pseudo-true ones; universal standardization, rationalization and replacement of personal individuality for personalized models.